At an early age, Reverend Pastor Ernst Pierre Vincent has dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to the plight of the impoverished. He has always shown an extraordinary enthusiasm in organizing spiritual activities in view of steering lost souls to Christ.

Upon reflecting profoundly on the passage of 2 Timothy 2, verse 15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”, he devoted his life to study the Bible.

His incomparable sense of responsibility and his inexorable leadership in the “Eglise Fondation Mission Haïtienne par la Foi” where his father, the Reverend Joseph S. Vincent, was the senior Pastor, allowed him to respectively, fulfill the tasks of Youth President and General Coordinator of the inspiring choir of the church, in addition to being the superintendent of Sunday’s school. By the Divine Grace of the Holy Spirit the results on the spiritual, as well as, the organizational level, were outstanding.

In 1992, while he continued to study the Word of God, Pastor Ernst Pierre Vincent had a vision from our Lord Jesus Christ asking him to undertake activities toward the implementation of the social realm of the Gospel, as it is written in the Holy Scriptures: James 1, verse 27; 1 John 3, verses 17, 18.

Thus, on August 17, 1992, in cooperation with a group of friends, brothers and sisters, he founded the “Association Evangélique d’Aide aux Démunis” (AEAID), translated as the “Evangelical Association to Assist the Impoverished.”

Thanks to this organization, from 1993 to 1997, more than two hundred sixty (260) poor children from the depressed neighborhoods of Saint Martin in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, had access to basic education. At the same time, eighty other young persons of both genders have equally benefited by taking professional courses at the Centre de Formation Professionelle et Educative (CEPROMEP), still within the framework of educating a few disadvantaged youth. At the same time, adults belonging to different churches were able to receive rudimentary reading and writing training through a program entitled:
“ Global Literacy Center.”

A new eventful turn occurred in his life on June 21, 1998. The Central Committee of the congregation Foundation Mission Haitian by Faith in the district of Saint Martin in Port-au-Prince proceeded to his ordination as Minister of God. Since then, he directs this Christian assembly which carries today the name of Christian Church Valley of Benedictions.

As president of the above-mentioned church, Pastor Vincent always demonstrated a special interest for the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. During the three first years (1998-2001) of his pastoral ministry, he took an eager fight for the triumph of the preaching of the good news of Jesus while teaching the members of the flock and while evangelizing hundreds of living persons in the vicinities of the church. Thus, the Holy Spirit added every day persons redeemed in this congregation.

While the programs of formation of the followers and of evangelization of the pagans were productive, Pastor Vincent decided to engage the members of this assembly in a big battle against misery and poverty. He mobilized believers around this slogan: “ALL TOGETHER TO RESPOND TO THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHALLENGE.”

Within the framework of this program, several hundreds of men and women received loans to open their own small enterprises. The allocated funds originated from special collections and from a financial enterprise operating in the Haitian Christian environment.

Day after day, the Lord entrusted him with new missions for Haiti and abroad, in accordance with the instructions of the gospel according to Mathieu 25:21. In February 2001, the preaching career of the Reverend took a new fervor. Thus, always guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, he organized conferences and took part in evangelizing at the international level, notably in the United States of America, the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic.

Parallel to his ecclesiastical responsibilities within the Mission Church Christian Valley of Benedictions, he occupied during five (5) consecutive years (2000-2005) the function of Executive Secretary of the Conference of Haitian Pastors, an organization that gives itself, inter alia, the mission to contribute to the formation of the evangelical leaders, to lend support to the Christian Churches working in the disadvantaged regions of Haiti and to promote human rights.

In January 2006, Pastor Vincent received a message from Jesus Christ summoning him to continue the charitable work already undertaken in Haiti and in different regions of the world so as to reduce progressively the rate of illiteracy, to help reduce the rate of poverty and to bring back the lost souls to repentance.

Thus, after several months of fasting and prayers, he has finally, in consultation with friends, given birth, on May 07, 2006, to Vincent International Ministries. Inc.

Pastor Ernst Pierre Vincent holds a BA in Christian ministries. He holds also a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership and a Master of Science in Conflict Resolution.