This school is a charitable school that was founded in the 1970s by the late Pastor Joseph S. Vincent. For decades, he has contributed to the education of hundreds of children and young people in Haiti, particularly in the neighborhood of Saint-Martin. From 1992 to 2004, it operated under the name of “Centre de Promotion Educative et Professionnelle” (CEPROMEP). During this period, with financial support from a non-profit organization, he subsidized the education of 260 children and provided vocational training to approximately 100 young men and women. The educational sponsorship program was named: “Pote Kole pou voye m lekol Program” (PPKVL). Due to the political violence of 2004, after the coup d’état against Jean Bertrand Aristide, the program was interrupted, and the school was forced to close its doors. In 2011, after a long period of renovation, the school was reopened and thanks to generous donations from donors of Vincent International Ministries, it has become the place of education for more than 100 children. Since then, it has been operating under the name of “Institution Mixte Joseph S. Vincent” (IMJOSVI). This school operates under the supervision of a Coordinating Committee of Vincent International Ministries composed of 3 members. A quality education is offered to these children thanks to the tireless efforts of the school principal, teachers, and its dynamic staff.