Kittly Desir was born in Haiti of a Christian family. Since her early childhood, her parents taught her, among other things, to love God more than anything else, and to also love her brothers and sisters.

In May 2004, after several fruitless attempts to conform her life to the teachings of her parents, she made the best of decision of her life- to totally surrender her life to Christ- while accepting baptism by immersion, and thus, asserting that He is the Messiah promised in the Scriptures.

This big decision completely changed her life. Since then, she dedicated herself to serve the cause of Christ. She became more active in the Lord’s work. Her enthusiasm, her dynamism and her profound sense of responsibility within the Christian congregation: “New Revelation Church of CMA,” to which she affiliated herself, convinced those in charge of this congregation to choose her in order to be in charge of the funds for the youth association.

Being in charge of the finances, she undertook multiple successful initiatives that generated new financial resources to the benefit of the association. These resources allowed the committee to achieve the objectives that it had established, and to provide for the needs of certain youngsters of the church.

A year later, her good performances and the positive results she obtained, propelled her to the position of counselor to the central committee of the church. From 2005 to 2008, she proved to be a responsible and competent leader while proffering practical advice to the congregation members. As a result, very significant progress was observed within the church, and also in the methods of management of this Christian assembly.

Nurse by occupation, Mrs. Kittly Desir, was the administrator of JLF University, an institution whose principal mission is to prepare cadres in the health field.  Her know-how, her ability to welcome and to understand the students and the humanism which she displays toward the patients of -another entity of JLF university- that provides care to the elderly, have contributed largely to the expansion of this institution working in Haiti, the United States of America and in Jamaica.

On February 23 2007, upon reflecting on the public objectives and charitable interests of Vincent International Ministries, Inc (VIM), she joined the committee in charge of strengthening the foundation of this non-profit organization. She believes that this charitable institution offers her the possibilities to realize her lifelong dream which calls for the protection of the elderly, the orphans and the poor children of the entire world particularly, those of Haiti. She feels proud and happy to be able to devote herself to the service of the underprivileged in her role as secretary of the institution Vincent International Ministries, Inc.