Army of Prayers is an entity of Vincent International Ministries, Inc.  It is created to remedy certain problems of a spiritual order which Christians of the entire world face.  These problems are characterized, notably by a lack of enthusiasm to devote daily, a few minutes of prayers, and also to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Knowing that prayer is an extremely powerful weapon, and also the key that opens all doors, the president of Vincent International Ministries, Inc. (VIM), the Rev. Ernst Pierre Vincent had the inspiration to set up and to expand this incorporeal movement to which the epithet, “Army of Prayers” was ascribed. It was implemented at the New Revelation Church of CMA and in other churches of the United States particularly, in Miami, Florida.

Army of Prayers is a vast network of Christians composed of men and women of God belonging to different churches who associated themselves with the movement with the view to encourage and incite more Christians to consecrate more time to prayers.  This Army of Prayers wants to work assiduously in order to sensitize all those who believe that the role of Christianity to propagate the power of prayers and the reading of the Holy Scriptures to foster the spiritual growth of Christians.  Consequently, Army of Prayers will initiate activities of prayers in order to set in motion a spiritual awakening of the latter. In other words, it wishes to be the instrument used by the Divine Council to better equip Christians to understand that the end is near and that they must prepare themselves with the eventual encounter with our Savior. Army of Prayers   wants to be a tool to incite Christians to embrace prayer, as the Apostle Peter pointed out so well in his first epistle.

Army of Prayers is not and will not be, in any way, an organization attached to a church or to any evangelical mission. Its central theme is to instill a wide vision leading beyond the restricted cadre of an assembly or a doctrine. Army of Prayers will never be transformed into a local church. This movement is not a threat to the existence or, the survival of any church. On the contrary, it purports to reinforce the dynamism of Christian Assemblies. Those missions having been clearly defined, profess to work in concert with all churches with Christian aspirations to implant cells of prayers of which the primary responsibility of each of the members is to encourage his/her companion to respect the time that was beforehand reserved to prayers. At times, all the members of a cell may form a chainlike line for prayers of intercession on behalf of members of this large movement of prayers who are facing difficulties of a spiritual, moral, social and material nature. As its epithet indicates, Army of Prayers is a real spiritual movement in action. The enrollees will be well trained and equipped to face public number one enemy, Satan, the devil. In other words, they will receive biblical and theological training so that they can better defend themselves against the assaults of the devil. Therefore, they will be invincible because they will be armed with a double-edged sword.

The mission of the persons in charge of Army of Prayers is summarized as follows: to work untiringly to rekindle the prayer flame in the life of every believer, and to instill in them an environment conducive to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. They attribute this mission to themselves because they believe firmly that the prayer is the means more certain to maintain a good relation with God and the instrument that the believer uses to influence, in a positive way, things in his favor.  They aim to encourage the reading of the Bible because they believe that this Book represents a source of light and inexhaustible discernment.